

Communication Matrix, Press Office

A talented and ambitious architectural bureau with character. The company is run by a young married couple, Alisa and Dmitry Shmelevy. Alisa is the founder of the bureau, an architect with a German architectural education. Dmitry is the managing partner, responsible for the management function. For more than 10 years ab 2.0 has been working on projects of improvement of public areas (parks, embankments); objects of tourist infrastructure (apart-hotels, hotels, balneological complexes, horeca); architectural concepts, including objects of point development and objects of reconstruction and redevelopment. Over the last couple of years, architects have significantly strengthened their positions, including through major projects to modernise Sochi's central embankments.
In the spring of 2021 we started our co-operation. It was interesting for us to take part in the formation and promotion of a professional image corresponding to the bureau's projects in urban planning, ‘development with values’, architecture of public spaces and tourist facilities.

What were the following objectives:
-Realise the marketing plan developed under the ‘Communication Policy’ service to strengthen the office's position on the market, build up the office against competitors and strengthen the role of professionals among the trade community and potential clients;
-Collect and structure an archive of the office and completed projects for the initial period of work: introducing the architects and their projects to the relevant media;
-Dissemination of information about the bureau and their projects in the information field through publications in the media, participation in events and competitions.

As a result of joint work with the client, we went through the stage of assembling an archive on the bureau: forming a press brief and a list of topics and theses for the Russian and international market, interviewing and gathering information on projects, interviewing the founder of the bureau to understand where to position ourselves in terms of lifestyle.

After the press archive was fully assembled, a successful Pr campaign of the office's news and projects was carried out among relevant media, with a focus on the newly opened Riviera Embankment and Mayak Beach projects in Sochi. Publications were published in AD Magazine, Interior + Design, Strelka Mag, The Village, SCAPP, Project Russia, Time Out Sochi, Sochi City Planning Council and Sochi Administration. Success was evaluated not only by the list of publications covered, but also by the large number of project and news reposts to third-party architectural and news media, as well as by the request for joint materials from relevant architectural media, including foreign ones.

After the promotion of key projects in Sochi, the emphasis was placed on other projects of the bureau - as a result, the range of the bureau's expertise was expanded from urban planning and public projects to architecture and interior design.

Supporting the bureau's participation in several competitions and events, the client received requests for projects.

We plan to continue co-operation within the Press Office service, to expand and strengthen the bureau's position as professionals and experts in its field. Among other things, we will focus on foreign promotion and SMM services.

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Lisboa, R. António Pereira Carrilho
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