
Pro Trener Personal Training Studio


Development of a corporate newspaper

We have five years of successful co-operation with PRO TRENER, and for five years we have been publishing a corporate newspaper for the PRO TRENER News network of personal training studios 4 times a year.

Objective: to create a corporate culture by creating an internal print media of the studios, to highlight the inner life of PRO TRENER.

Inspiration: PRO TRENER is a unique network of studios, where work with clients is based on an individual approach. The newspaper should become the main transmitter of the studio's philosophy, reflect internal processes, offer content interesting for employees, clients and partners - providing the same personalised approach to its audience and satisfying its information needs.

Result: we have established the process of creating full-fledged journalistic content: news from the life of PRO TRENER, interviews with coaches and clients, reviews of the studio's latest sports programmes and much more. We develop the design layout of the publication, its layout, and ensure the distribution of the newspaper with a circulation of 1000 copies. 

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Lisboa, R. António Pereira Carrilho
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