
WOWHAUS Architectural Office


Project realisation

The Wowhaus architectural bureau has been entrusting us with the organisation and administration of their original projects for many years. One of them was the project ‘White Elephants’, which was presented as part of the architectural festival ‘Zodchestvo’ 2016.

Task: organising the exposition of the White Elephants project - site selection, finding contractors, coordinating the process during the festival, communicating with its organisers.

What inspired us: the project concept was based on a parable about a Thai ruler who gave a white elephant to a courtier who had fallen into disgrace. Such an elephant was not fit for work, and its maintenance was very expensive and led to ruin. Drawing an analogy with similarly non-functional symbolic urban objects, Wowhaus proposed a strategy to reprogramme them. We organised the exhibition space in such a way as to convey the concept and make the analogy understandable to visitors.

The result: thanks to the exhibition solution we implemented, the project concept was communicated correctly, and the sensitive moderation of the exhibition prevented any kind of overlap and contributed to the successful realisation of the idea.

‘White Elephants’ / Wowhaus ‘White Elephants’ / Wowhaus
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