

Children's centre Masterslavl


Logo and corporate identity development

The task: to update and make more modern the existing logo of the children's city of masters ‘Masterslavl’, the largest children's city of professions in Russia, without making radical changes and leaving the original elements of the previous logo.

What was our inspiration: we counted 36 colours in the original logo and started our work by ‘cleaning up’ the colour diversity to a concise and easy-to-use colour palette. Next, we started working on the ‘city buildings’: we freed them from the clutter of details, unified the buildings, removed the carelessness of drawing. And lastly, we honed the result in different uses of the logo.

Solution: the present logo refers to the traditional architecture of Russian cities. The circle symbolises the sun - a symbol of light and happiness. The deliberately careless, ‘fairy-tale’ font indicates a children's project.

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Lisboa, R. António Pereira Carrilho
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